Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Blogs in the classroom in the US, 1

The first blog i came to when i googled "classroom blogs" was "Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom Blog." She posts an article between everyday to every few days. I viewed the page this evening, June 19th, and at this time there was a darling video the children had put together about the type of books they had learned about. This is a wonderful way to link the parents to the classroom by showing them what is being learned. Not just telling them with a newsletter. On the fourteenth she posted an article about their eggs being almost ready for hatching, but that one of them had exploded and gotten yolk everywhere. She then posts her e-mail address for someone to e-mail her if they know why it would bust. This is another wonderful idea. Posing a question that you don't know the answer to and letting someone, anyone in the world, who knows the answer respond. By the way the eggs were scheduled to hatch on Monday the 18th, but as unpredictable as children can be they came a day early on the seventeenth when she went in to check on them. The included picture is off this. She also allows the children to post their own blogs which I am sure excited them! i think it is a lot cooler than pulling out a marble composition book! :) The website for this blog: http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=1337

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